Sunday 6 February 2022

Benefits of Sunlight for your health

                      Get out of your room; Let the sun kiss you

For those who are using sunscreen 24/7, you have a warning sign out there. Most of us often hear about the risks of getting too much sun. You may get sun tan, sun burns or to the extreme, skin cancer. These are threats for real when you are exposed to the UV rays too much without taking any precautions. But sunlight has positive effects on human body, which contributes to your ultimate health. SPF is essential when you are out there but sunlight can do wonders for your bones, mind and more. 

If you are a tech, working for hours inside an office space, you need to move or do regular workouts in between those hectic schedules. Sitting for a long time affects your body harshly just like smoking. Some of you are aware of these risks and are doing regular exercises, taking healthy diet etc. Even then, we can see, seven out of ten people have the risk of arthritis, osteoporosis like conditions, that needed to be cured immediately. Why do you think it happens? The answer is, You need Vitamin D. You need to get enough SUNLIGHT. Sun is the ultimate source of energy. A healthy dose of Sunlight regularly, have some tangible benefits that affects your mental and physical health positively. What are those benefits? Let's see.

  • Vitamin D
Vitamin D reduces inflammation and modulates cell growth. While certain foods supply Vitamin D, it may not be enough for your body's functions. Sun is the best and natural source of Vitamin D. When you spend 5-15 minutes under the sun daily, especially before 10 am in the mornings and in the evenings after 4 pm, you feel the difference in your mood and health. Your body gets adequate Vitamin D which prevents all kinds of Vitamin D deficiency diseases. Make sure to wear a Sunscreen with SPF at the peak times of heat and harmful UV rays.  

  • Strong Bones
We have already mentioned Vitamin D is important for your health. Calcium and Phosphorous are essential to make your bones and teeth stronger and healthier. And Vitamin D helps your body to absorb Calcium and Phosphorous from the food you eat, which aids stronger bones and teeth. Therefore without these essential elements, you may get Osteoporosis or Rickets, where you suffer from weak and brittle bones and other related difficulties. So why to take risk? Get sunlight regularly and get your daily supply of Vitamin D. 

  • Maintain healthy Blood Pressure
Sunlight triggers the release of Nitric Oxide into your blood, which aids to bring down the high blood pressure and maintain a healthy heart. This reduces the risk of various cardio-vascular diseases and stroke. Sun bath or a healthy exposure to sunlight can relax your mind, which naturally brings down the BP. 

  • Boost your Mood
With plenty of sunshine, there is little risk of mental health distress. When you have mood swings, why don't you try to get a little sunlight? A healthy dose of sunlight increases your serotonin and prevents Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Some of the  treatments for anxiety and depression recommends sunbath or sun exposure to cure faster.  

  • No more Insomnia
Getting less sleep have many reasons behind it. Insomnia is somewhat severe, where you get no sleep at all, constantly for many days which affects both your mental and physical health. For such persons, getting healthy sun exposure regularly, increase their serotonin level, which in turn improves their mood. They get more restful sleep at night, when stick to this routine along with a healthy lifestyle. 

Sun can be your body's best or worst enemy. It depends on your choice, actions and how much you are exposed to sunlight. Seasonal changes, climate variations, your immunity, mental conditions and many more factors affects your overall health.

Currently, the time is crucial, where you should take care of yourself a little more, to avoid getting infections and disease causing microbes. Along with the necessary precautions to prevent these types of threats, get an adequate amount of sunlight regularly, especially at early mornings and early evenings as the sun's rays can kill harmful micro-organisms, supply Vitamin D and provides energy to your body which surely boosts your mood and health. Make sure you eat healthy, workout regularly and be at peace, for a healthy body and healthy mind. 


Benefits of Sunlight for your health

                       Get out of your room; Let the sun kiss you For those who are using sunscreen 24/7, you have a warning sign out there....